Are You Responsible?
Social Responsibility
The Spanish Wine Interprofessional Organisation (OIVE) seeks to promote and share initiatives that embody the commitment and values of a responsible wine sector. Whether advocating for sustainable practices in wineries or encouraging moderate wine consumption, the OIVE leads the way in fostering a conscientious industry.
Our Commitment to Responsibility
Moderation and Responsibility
Wine in Moderation Programme

Wine in Moderation (WiM) is a programme launched in 2008 by the European wine industry to demonstrate its social responsibility to the European authorities in the fight against excessive alcohol consumption and its harmful effects on society.
It delivers a consistent global message aimed at reducing the harm caused by alcohol abuse and promoting moderate wine consumption. The programme is tailored to the culture and context of each country in which it is implemented, ensuring that the message is both relevant and effective.
Wine research
The science of wine
Since 2018, the Spanish Wine Interprofessional Organisation (OIVE) has maintained a collaboration agreement with the Foundation for Wine and Nutrition Research (FIVIN), a scientific body authorised to disseminate research on the health effects of wine in Spain. FIVIN operates a network of researchers who scientifically evaluate studies on wine consumption and share their findings with both the scientific community and the wine industry.
In 2022, efforts focused on compiling and sharing scientific literature through The Science of Wine. This platform serves as a bridge between researchers and the public, providing access to more than 700 scientific studies, materials and contents.
Responsible advertising
Commercial communication code
Wine has long been associated with gastronomy and leisurely enjoyment, the best way to fully savour the subtle nuances in each glass.
For this reason, the wine industry in Spain adheres to its Code of Commercial Communication of Wine, which ensures that all communications about wine consistently promote messages of moderation.
Wine communication and health benefits
Wine and health communication protocol
The Foundation for Wine and Nutrition Research (FIVIN) and the Spanish Wine Interprofessional Organisation (OIVE) have developed a set of guidelines for operators in the Spanish wine industry. These guidelines provide clear advice on how to communicate the health benefits of wine, addressing common questions and recommended actions. They also include appropriate responses to dispel both positive and negative myths and misinformation about wine and health.
Sustainable Wineries for Climate Protection
The Spanish wine industry is actively addressing the challenge of sustainability, with many inherent elements already contributing to this goal. It is important to highlight and measure these efforts in order to demonstrate the industry’s commitment and raise awareness in society and the markets.
The Sustainable Wineries for Climate Protection (SWfCP) seal establishes a set of standards, in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It defines the criteria a winery must meet to be considered sustainable and sets specific targets within a continuous improvement plan. Progress is regularly assessed by one of the authorised bodies to ensure compliance.